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About Me

My name is Ylana and I am a Gene Keys & Human Design Coach and QHHT® practitioner. As a healing practitioner, I support those on their pathway of expansion and growth through the connection with their higher self, with QHHT, and their authentic soul and karmic blueprint, through the Gene Keys and Human Design.I have also had the honor of serving as a channel for Award Winning Author, Sarah Breskman Breskman Cosme's books, A Hypnotist's Journey to The Secrets of The Sphinx and A Hypnotist's Journey from The Trail To The Star People, as well as co-facilitating an annual retreat with Sarah at the world-renowned retreat facility, La Senda.


I began my own spiritual journey at an early age, in hopes of healing chronic depression, addiction and anxiety. While attending a silent retreat one afternoon, I fell to my knees and prayed, ‘please, God, if you’re out there, help me.’ The next moment, everything shifted. My mind fell silent and I merged into a field of infinite, unconditionally loving intelligence that flowed with perfect aliveness and precision. There was no longer a sense of a separate ‘me’, but a single Presence, and a knowing that arose, ‘I am home. I AM.’


The moment quickly passed and yet, my life and consciousness had radically changed, and in the months and years to come, I set out on a path of clearing trauma and releasing core-wound blockages as I began rapidly waking up to the beauty and vastness of Consciousness. This period of deconditioning and healing created a portal of grace that began to flower within every layer of my being.


Having served as a Gene Keys and Human Design Coach and QHHT® practitioner within the Tamarindo area during the last two years, I am thrilled to announce that I am now offering sessions at Solara Holistic Healing, located at Plaza Conchal in Tamarindo, Costa Rica. Solara offers a variety of integrative healing modalities, including QHHT® and Past Life Regression Therapy, Reconnective Healing, Reiki, Nutritional Healing Consultations, Gene Keys and Human Design Sessions, Tarot & Oracle Card Readings, and Palmistry.


For more information or to book a session, click here.





“Your greatest awakening comes when you become aware of your infinite nature.”
― Amit Ray

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